Subtitling & Captioning

Captions are an on-screen transcription of dialogue and other non-verbal sounds usually appearing as text in the same language of the film, while subtitles appear in a different language. Captions are necessary when it is not possible to hear the audio, either because the viewer is hearing impaired or when the video does not have sound or because the film is being played in places where sound has to be disabled. On the other hand, subtitles are useful for viewers who can hear the audio, but who do not understand the language of the video. Our team of multi-lingual subtitling experts are committed to quality and are flexible. We respect deadlines and keep the lines of communication open as needed.

We use a seven-step process that includes:

1. Preparation of the transcript
2. Segmenting the transcript
3. Spotting the file
4. Translation of segmented transcript into required language(s)
5. Simulation
6. Burning subtitles
7. Uploading or otherwise sharing the completed file

We will evaluate your project and prepare your proposal, taking into consideration all variables such as duration, video quality, number of speakers, intelligibility, number of files, target language(s), and on-screen specifications.